Before our French class started, Lisa, Rachael and I tried to finish as much sight seeing as possible. We spent the last couple days of freedom roaming around Paris, getting café and pastries and seeing the sights. One thing to note, the first friday, the three of us went to the Catacombs. The ISA sponsored visit was on the day we wanted to leave for our free weekend. They were really neat! Very wet down there, but very interesting. It's a grave site where bones from church-yard cemeteries were interred to economize space and improve sanitation. Kinda erie, and a bit claustrophobic at times, but we enjoyed the visit.
That night we met up with Vlad and Sean to eat a nicer dinner at Chez Clément. It's a bit touristy, but the food was delicious. We got in around midnight and I went straight to bed.
Katie love your pictures! You were always the only reliable one to take them at events. So excited for your wonderful adventure, looking forward to hearing all about it in Montana.